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סל הקניות שלך

סל הקניות שלך ריק

כל המוצרים

    מאת Ilana Hart ספטמבר 30, 2021



    About me: I’m very passionate about inspiring healthy living. I like to encourage everyone that’s interested in leading a healthy lifestyle by motivating them, cheering them on, and inspiring them in a positive way.

    I’m a born and raised South Carolinian. My husband and I grew up together, we’ve known each other since second grade. We reconnected via social media as we got older, and got engaged. A month later we were married.

    Overcoming postpartum depression and anxiety

    It goes back to when I was pregnant with my first baby. Everything was great until it wasn’t - that’s when postpartum depression set in. No one ever talked to me about it, so I didn’t know what it was. You hear a lot about baby blues, but not about postpartum depression, and you don’t hear a lot about postpartum anxiety. Only years later, when my kids were bigger, I realized that I’d been suffering from postpartum anxiety.

    Three months after having my first baby, I found out that I was pregnant again. After my second child was born, I knew I didn’t want to struggle again with postpartum depression (PPD). I decided to be proactive. I did my research and found out that changing my diet and implementing movement could help combat symptoms of PPD.

    "I did my research and found out that changing my diet and implementing movement could help combat symptoms of PPD."

    My husband insisted I go into the weight room with him. Everything was hard, I couldn’t figure out how to move my body, I was so weak. I told myself - if everyone else is in this gym doing the hard work, I can do it too. So I kept coming back day after day and eventually started getting stronger. I looked better and I felt better.

    Tips for managing postpartum depression & anxiety

    1. Have a support system. You never know when or if you’ll experience PPD or postpartum anxiety as a new mom. You need people to lean on and you have to take the help that’s offered. Employ a support system, whether it’s family, friends, or a therapist. Find systems that help you stay in charge of your nutrition and get your body moving. So, if that means taking your baby out for a walk, or asking a friend to watch your baby so you can go to the gym, or having your groceries delivered, or finding someone to prepare meals for you.
    2. We need to talk about it more. Women should know the signs. PPD and anxiety is not just the baby blues. Women should have a safe place to be able to share their own experiences and hear others’ stories.

    "You need people to lean on and you have to take the help that’s offered. Employ a support system, whether it’s family, friends, or a therapist. Find systems that help you stay in charge of your nutrition and get your body moving."

    Transformation from “terrible hairstylist” to wellness coach

    I was working at a hair salon at the time, but it didn’t come naturally to me and didn’t feel exciting to me. I was already training some friends and cousins at the gym and it felt exciting. So I got certified as a personal trainer. Then, a friend convinced me to run a group class, and it just clicked. I found my thing and never looked back.

    "I’m going to give you the blueprint and I’m going to help you find a way that makes it work for you. I also started learning about sleep, hormones, ways to eat cleaner - and I incorporate this into my coaching."

    After that, I kept finding ways to help other people fall in love with movement. Southern Belles don’t work out, and I kept getting more and more women to try it.

    I thought, if I can help people hack their habits and make wellness more sustainable and more attainable, that’s my goal. I’m going to give you the blueprint and I’m going to help you find a way that makes it work for you. I also started learning about sleep, hormones, ways to eat cleaner - and I incorporate this into my coaching.

    Teaching clients to take the reins

    The thing that makes me most excited is when a client tells me - I'm a person that works out now. They went from being sedentary to a person that works out daily. So it’s when I can help someone instill healthy habits in their lifestyle. I’m just laying it out - I'm their cheerleader. That win is when the person can take the reins and do it by themselves.

    No. 1 fitness & wellness tip

    Tap into cycle syncing. There’s different types of workouts you should do during different phases of your menstrual cycle. By learning about which workouts are best for each cycle phase, you can feel accomplished throughout the month and not attack yourself for not being as awesome as you were last week. There’s still ways you can move your body and be effective in your workouts during your less productive phases.

    "There’s different types of workouts you should do during different phases of your menstrual cycle. By learning about which workouts are best for each cycle phase, you can feel accomplished throughout the month and not attack yourself for not being as awesome as you were last week."

    Right now, I’m working on a new coaching app that will allow me to reach many more women at the same time. The app will allow you to plug in which cycle phase you’re in, and then suggest an appropriate workout for that phase.

    No. 1 tip for resilience

    Show yourself grace. Without grace you can’t be resilient. You have to say to yourself - I’m doing the things but it’s okay if I’m not going as fast or getting to the goal as fast

    Giving back to her community

    My husband and I own a “paint and sip” art studio called Wine & Design. We do lots of Paint it Forward events, where we hold painting classes and then donate a portion of the proceeds to the local Boys & Girls Club or the Urban League.

    With my own business, Body by MC, I work with an organization called Girl Up, which brings in young women from schools that don’t have extracurriculars or after care. They help with homework, take them on field trips, do life skills training, etc. I’ve taught fitness classes for them, and I plan to get even more involved.

    Skincare routine

    My skin is combination, but it depends on the time of year. In winter, it’s dry, and in spring and summer it’s combo. Before I started with FRÉ, I noticed at least once a month I had some type of breakout, one little random pimple. Once I started using FRÉ, I’ve never had a breakout.

    My skincare routine begins at night: First I use CLEANSE ME, the micellar water, to cleanse, then I use a witch hazel and rose water toner, then the REVIVE ME serum, and after that the RECOVER ME overnight cream.

    In the morning: I rinse my face, then spritz on I AM JOY rose flower toner. Then I put on REVIVE ME as a base. If I’m wearing makeup, I’ll then use Thrive Cosmetics CC cream, but if I’m going to the gym, I‘ll just use GLOW ME +.

    After a workout, I shower and wash my face with PURIFY ME. Then I apply the REVIVE ME serum.

    "My favorite FRÉ is DETOX ME. For me, it works like a mask and an exfoliant. Fridays are my little self care Fridays - so I’ll wear it as a mask. Other days I’ll use it to really scrub away dirt and grime and then just wash it off. It just feels so fresh and it doesn’t dry my skin out."

    My absolute favorite FRÉ is DETOX ME. I use it about three times per week. For me, it works like a mask and an exfoliant. Fridays are my little self care Fridays - so I’ll wear it as a mask. Other days I’ll use it to really scrub away dirt and grime and then just wash it off. It just feels so fresh and it doesn’t dry my skin out. I also use it as a lip scrub.

    Rapid Fire

    • Favorite exercise? Weights
    • What does sweat mean to you? Hard work
    • What comes to mind when you think of FRÉ? Pure & joy
    • What are you most excited about in life right now? Creating my membership program
    • What’s something you’d still love to learn? How to speak Spanish
    • If you were a hashtag, what would you be? #inspiringhealthyliving
    • What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life? Show yourself grace
    • What is an issue that you wish we spoke about more often? Postpartum Depression
    • What does women’s empowerment mean in 2021? Women supporting women
    • What are your dreams for the FRÉ community? I want to see FRÉ continue to produce all things skin related, makeup, and all the things for skin that sweats

    השאירי תגובה

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