סל הקניות שלך ריק
מאת Pam Green אוקטובר 31, 2019
About Me: I am a daughter, wife, health coach and spiritual mentor. I help women break the chains of bondage and lean into the freedom they were so freely given!
Follow me: @trainertanner
My fitness journey
In college I was a D2 softball player and unfortunately got injured and put out of action. I was told I would never pitch again. This shook me, it was devastating at first, but I took it to heart and decided my health and recovery was up to me. I got into the gym and this is when I learned how food played a part in the outcome of how I lived.
I was meant to be an accountant
I was in school to become an accountant but as time progressed so did my passion for health. I kept learning, got certifications and began helping people along their own health journeys. When I graduated, I chose to follow this call to continue to help people live healthier, than use the accounting degree I had worked so hard for. People thought I was crazy. However this started the path that I am on now, which is a very holistic approach to helping women live in freedom!
Why is holistic health is important?
Our spiritual health is our container, it holds all the other parts of us. When we deeply root our faith, our physical, mental, relational and emotional health has no choice but to strengthen.
From pain to purpose
My husband and I have a DEEP desire for a baby. At first, I kept the pain of seeing that negative pregnancy test or starting my period to myself. But hiding it was only making it worse. I felt like I was living in a fog.
I decided to invite people into my story, to share this journey, and am learning that nearly every woman is affected by this in some way. It has allowed pain to produce purpose. It does not make it “easier” but there is no doubt that it creates a healthier environment for myself, my husband and other’s to walk through this together. And not to mention this is a HUGE part of holistic health. I am learning SO much about mental, hormonal, emotional and relational health in this season of my life.
Giving back to the community
We support a little girl in Ghana, Lorietta. She is 5 years old and we help to pay for her school, her clothing and her other essential needs. I am such a firm believer that if we can each change one life, we can change the world!
I am also busy putting the steps into place to help financially support women going through their own infertility journeys. Hopefully I can share this with you all in the near future.
In a committed relationship with FRÉ
Oh goodness, FRÉ has been a game changer for my skin. I have used it daily for over two years and have not once THOUGHT about using another product. I am such a believer in the ingredients, process and the mission of FRÉ. I love how light it is. All the products leave your skin feeling so clean and soft! I literally use every single product they have created. Every. Single. Day. The community it so kind, loving and responsive. They care about their people and want to help lift EVERYONE up! Not to mention the company’s desire to support the Moroccan women. My heart melts!
What are you most excited about in life right now?
What’s something you’d still love to learn?
How to skateboard.
If you were a hashtag, what would you be?
#funniestpersonsheknows (yes, I laugh at my own jokes.. the most).
What is your life motto?
Chasing Freedom.
What’s the best advice that you’ve ever received in your life?
All you can do is all you can do.
What is an issue that you wish we spoke about more often?
Diets. And I speak about it a lot but it needs to be spoken about more.
What comes to mind when you think of FRÉ?
Youthful aging.
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